Obituary — Dr Clifford Pannam KC


Bar Roll No: 816

The late Dr Cliff Pannam KC was regarded by many of his contemporaries as one of the most brilliant, formidable and charismatic advocates of his era.

He graduated from the University of Melbourne Law School in 1958 with 1st Class Honours. He subsequently studied at the University of Illinois (LLM) and Columbia University (New York) (JSD). On his return to Australia, he was appointed by Melbourne Law School as a Senior Lecturer in Law (1963-1965) and Reader in Law (1966-1968). In 1965 he spent a year as a Thayer Fellow at the Harvard Law School. He was an outstanding teacher.

He signed the Bar Roll on 8 August 1967 and read with the late W. E. (Bill) Paterson (later QC). He took silk on 23 November 1976, after a mere nine years as a junior.  He was a formidable barrister described by one Judge before whom he appeared, as an outstanding advocate, with ‘superb intellectual qualities and unequalled legal scholarship’.  He gave his time and advice generously to colleagues. He was a tremendous mentor to his four readers.

He appeared in numerous significant cases in the Victorian Supreme Court, the Federal Court and the High Court.  He also appeared in a number of cases heard by the Privy Council. His record was not unblemished- but his career is defined by his advocacy and scholarship.

He enjoyed the camaraderie of the Bar, particularly his legendary lunches each Friday at the Flower Drum restaurant, hosted by his good friend, Gilbert Lau.

In addition to his career at the Bar, Cliff had a lifelong fascination with horses and horse racing, a general interest in Australian history, a continuing interest in China, its language, food and history, as well as an interest in his Greek heritage which took him back to Greece on numerous occasions and contributed to his work Of Greece and China and a Few Australian Things.

His love of China led him to learn Mandarin when he was over the age of 50. He was the author of some splendid translations of Mandarin poetry, including a book of the lyric poems of Li Qingzhao (1084- mid 1150s), the most famous female poet in Chinese history, entitled Music from a Jade Flute: the ci poems of Li Qingzhao.

His love of Australian history led to the publication in 1992 of his book: Sir William’s Muse: The Literary Works of the First Chief Justice of Victoria, Sir William a’Beckett.

His love of horses resulted in publication of his treatise: The Horse and the Law (3rd ed. 2004). He also authored or co-authored a number of leading legal texts, including Cases and Materials on Contract, (McGarvie, Pannam, Hocker), Cases on Torts, (Morison, Sharwood, Pannam) and The Law of Money Lenders in Australia and New Zealand.

Cliff was an outstanding barrister and polymath, who is truly a legend of the Bar. He will be greatly missed by family, colleagues and friends.

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