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Bar Roll No. 708

A funeral will be held at St Joan of Arc, 118 New Street, Brighton on:

Friday, 7 June 2024 at 11:00am.

We extend our deepest sympathies to Ian's family and friends.

In Brief

Last Friday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the NSW Bar & Bench Dinner. It was a lively event, and the speeches were excellent, especially that of the guest speaker, the Honourable Justice Beech-Jones of the High Court of Australia. For those of you attending the Victorian Bar Dinner tomorrow evening, you are in for a treat. I thank the President of the NSW Bar, Dr Ruth Higgins SC, and the NSW Bar Council for their hospitality.

In Brief

On Wednesday at lunchtime, I attended a ‘town hall’ style meeting conducted by the Strategic Plan Working Group in the Neil McPhee Room. It was interesting to participate in the conversation and hear from members about what the Bar’s focus should be over the next five years. On behalf of the Bar Council, I thank the Strategic Plan Working Group and all members who attended.


The Attorney-General of Victoria has announced the appointments of seven Magistrates to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, including two members of the Victorian Bar:

Michael Gurvich

Andrew Waters

In Brief

On Thursday evening, I was honoured to welcome the 47 March 2024 Readers who signed the Bar Roll at a Ceremony held in the Banco Court. On behalf of us all, I congratulated them on their decision to join our Bar and wished them well as they embark upon what I hope will be rewarding careers as independent members of counsel. I also thanked all those who have worked so tirelessly to deliver another successful Readers’ Course: our dedicated Education Team, in particular, Michelle James and Nikki Walker; our Readers’ Course Committee led by Anthony Strahan KC and Ben Ihle KC; and the members of our Bar and the judiciary who so generously give their time to instruct our readers. We are grateful to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for allowing the Bar to use the Banco Court.


The Victorian Bar is proud to announce "Lawyers on Film," a panel discussion and Q&A session that will explore the intersection of law and cinema.


Bar Roll No. 708

It is with deep regret that the Bar informs members of the death of Ian Hayden.


Members of the Bar are invited to attend a “town hall” meeting and share with the Strategic Plan Working Group their thoughts and suggestions about the Victorian Bar Strategic Plan.    

In Brief

Bar Exam Update

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Nadia Deltondo and Nadia Stojanova as the Bar’s new Chief Examiners. Ms. Deltondo and Ms. Stojanova are both members of our Bar and former members of the Standing Exam Review Panel with considerable experience in teaching and assessment. I am confident that, in consultation with the new Exam Committee, the Chief Examiners will set an Exam in October this year that will fulfill all the recommendations of the 5-Year Panel Review Report. 


Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

A ceremony to farewell his Honour Magistrate John Hardy will be held in Court 1 of the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court, 233 William Street, Melbourne on:

Monday, 27 May 2024 at 4:15pm