News & Events

Latest News & Events

In Brief

This week, the Victorian Bar hosted two truly outstanding events. On Tuesday evening, the Art & Collections Committee and the Peter O’Callaghan QC Gallery Foundation unveiled a photograph of Barbara Hocking taken by Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen AM KC. Siobhan Ryan KC, Chair of the committee and a director of the gallery, gave a brief account of the story behind the Bar’s copy of the photograph and its many connections to the Victorian Bar. Dr Keon-Cohen took the photograph in March 1983 on Mer Island when counsel were preparing the case on behalf of Eddie Koiki Mabo and other claimants. The photo depicts Hocking, the acknowledged “intellectual architect” of the Mabo case, with the Reverend Dave Passi, Flo Kennedy, and other Mer Islanders. Hocking’s daughter, Professor Jenny Hocking AM, spoke of her mother’s career as a lawyer and her dedication to Aboriginal land rights. We also heard from Dr Keon-Cohen about the photograph and the proceedings in the High Court.

In Brief

On Monday morning, the executive and I attended a morning tea with the Bar Office team. It was a lovely way to start the week and energy levels were extremely high, particularly amongst those who had the good fortune to attend a Taylor Swift concert or two over the weekend. The Bar Office has a punishing workload that is always accomplished with great efficiency and enthusiasm.

In Brief

On Monday, I attended the ‘town hall’ hosted by the 5-Year Exam Review Panel. The Honourable Peter Riordan KC (Chair of the 5-Year Panel) provided an overview of the Panel’s work to date, and members were given the opportunity to raise their concerns. Some of the suggested changes discussed were setting the Exam in three parts (evidence, ethics, and procedure) and requiring candidates to re-sit only those parts that they have failed; providing candidates with the option to sit either a civil or criminal procedure exam; allowing more time for the completion of the exam; and an interview process for candidates who have been unsuccessful after three attempts. Many views were expressed, and I think it is fair to say that most were in favour of some change. I thank all of those who attended. The 5-Year Panel hopes to be able to make its recommendations to Bar Council by the end of March.

In Brief

On Monday, I appeared on behalf of the Victorian Bar to present our new silks to the High Court. The ceremony, held at the commencement of every new legal year, is significant. The new silks from each State and Territory stand in turn to take their bows, the Victorians wigless but wearing their rosettes and those from the northern States dressed up in their long ceremonial wigs. The Chief Justice remarked on what he described as the ‘subtle’ differences between the Bars on display in the courtroom and expressed the Court’s gratitude for the courtesy that the new silks showed the Court by their attendance. At the afternoon tea following the ceremony, the Victorian members of the High Court were especially generous with the time they spent meeting the silks and their families and friends. The silks were also supported by the presence of the Honourable Chief Justice William Alstergren AO and the Honourable Justice Simon Whelan, who attended as the representative of the Chief Justice of our Supreme Court. The ceremony was followed by a gala dinner held at the National Gallery.

In Brief

I wish you all a happy new legal year and hope that you have had a restful break. 

In Brief

On Monday, the Bar Council held a special purpose meeting to consider the Charter that governs the way we conduct ourselves as Bar Councillors, and the processes that we will follow when responding to requests for submissions from external stakeholders and government. It was a productive meeting and I particularly thank Jim Peters AM KC, a former President, who provided us with some very wise advice. I also thank all the members of the new Bar Council who are settling in and getting down to work. We are all looking forward to doing our best to work together on behalf of members.

In Brief

Last Friday and Saturday, I attended the 90th Anniversary dinner of the Law Council, its Annual General Meeting, and its final board meeting for the year in Canberra. The Law Council is continuing to advocate on many critical issues affecting both the profession and the administration of justice. Of particular importance, it has been robustly engaging with the Government about its concerns with the rushed passage of the Government’s proposed Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Repudiation) Bill 2023, the proposed extension of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regime to lawyers, which presents risks to access to justice and the protection of client legal privilege, and the proposed reforms to costs in anti-discrimination matters. The Law Council is currently also running a campaign to boost legal assistance funding, as well as working to ensure that the proposed relaxation of the rules relating to foreign lawyers practicing in Australia are safe and appropriate.

In Brief

There has been a spate of judicial welcomes and farewells, with more to come. Last Friday it was my great privilege to speak on behalf of the Victorian Bar at a ceremony to farewell the Honourable Justice Susan Kenny AM, who leaves the Federal Court after 26 years on that bench. Her Honour has had a remarkable judicial career, commencing in 1996 when she was the first woman appointed to the Victorian Court of Appeal. As a barrister, she appeared in nearly all the leading constitutional law cases of the 1980s and ‘90s, and her other achievements and contributions to public life are too many for me to list here. She will continue as the Chair of the Australian Electoral Commission. I thank her Honour for her service and wish her well for the next chapter of her career.

In Brief

On behalf of the Bar, I extend my congratulations to the Honourable Justice Christopher Boyce, who has been appointed as a judge of appeal of the Court, effective Tuesday, 21 November. His Honour Judge Paul Cosgrave has also been appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court, with his Honour commencing on Friday, 8 December where he will serve in the Commercial Court of the Trial Division. Information regarding welcome ceremonies will be provided soon.

In Brief

This week the Commonwealth Attorney General announced the appointment of Raelene Sharp KC as the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. Ms Sharp has been a member of our Bar since 2010 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2022. On behalf of the Victorian Bar, I congratulate her and wish her every success in her new role.