Expressions of Interest for appointment to the Practice Development Committee


The Bar Council is calling for expressions of interest from members interested in serving on the newly established Practice Development Committee for the 2022 term.

The Committee has been created to:

  • consider and propose to the Bar Council and the Executive, ways to increase the volume and quality of work available to members of the Bar in all practice areas and all levels of seniority, with a particular emphasis on the work available to new and other junior members of the Bar;
  • consider and propose ways to promote the work of barristers to solicitors, in-house counsel and clients;
  • identify new and emerging practice areas of relevance to the Bar;
  • advise the Bar Council in relation to practice development matters;
  • conduct continuing professional development seminars, presentations and information sessions to assist barristers, particularly new and other junior barristers, in practice development; and
  • work on such projects in relation to practice development as the Bar Council or the Executive shall refer to the Committee.

The Bar’s protocol for nomination and appointment of Vic Bar members to Vic Bar and external bodies can be viewed here.

To assist the Bar Council in selecting the best candidates for the positions, your expression of interest should identify any relevant areas of experience or expertise.

Please submit your expression of interest to Denise Bennett, Executive Assistant to the President and Bar Council at

The closing date for expressions of interest is 5:00pm, Friday 18 March 2022.