Notice of Town Hall Meeting — The Victorian Bar and Barristers' Chambers Limited


Members of the Bar are invited to attend a “town hall” meeting where they can ask questions of BCL and the Bar Council regarding the acquisition of 200 Queen Street, Melbourne.

This is a momentous decision and one that we consider will ensure the sustainability of the BCL model, now and into the future.

Members are encouraged to submit questions via the QR code below prior to the town hall. This will enable the panel to cover as many issues as possible on the evening.


The Honourable John Digby KC, Georgina Schoff KC, Elizabeth Bennett SC, Colin Mandy SC, Sarah Keating, Sam Hay KC and Paul Clark.


4:30 – 5:30pm, Tuesday, 30 July 2024


Neil McPhee Room, Level 1, Owen Dixon Chambers East, 205 William Street, Melbourne